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Moving Tips

How to Save Money During a Move

Learning how to save money to move can really change your experience, making it more of an exciting adventure than a big stress. It’s important to save every little bit you can because moving can be costly. Having some savings can help cover any surprise costs with your new place and make the whole process less stressful. If you’re moving to an expensive city like New York, knowing how to save money during a move can help you avoid spending too much and make your move a lot smoother.

Quick Money-Saving FAQs

Before we dive into how to save money during a move, we’re answering your burning questions about saving for relocation. 

How to Save Money Moving Out of State? 

It doesn’t matter if you’re moving from D.C. to NYC or from New York to Boston: moving states can get pricey. Here are a few quick tips for how to save money moving out of state: 

  • Lighten Your Load: The cost of long-distance moves usually depends on the weight of your belongings. Take this opportunity to minimize your possessions. The less you move, the less you pay.
  • Consolidate Shipping: If you’re not in a hurry, consider using consolidated shipping options where your items share a truck with other moves. It takes longer but can significantly cut costs.
  • Research and Apply for Relocation Assistance: Some employers offer relocation assistance for out-of-state moves. Additionally, explore state or federal programs that provide financial support or resources for moving.

How Much Money Should I Save to Move to NYC?

If you’re moving to New York City, keep in mind that the cost of living is significantly higher than in many other states. Because of this, it’s best to save a substantial amount before making the move. Aim to have at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses saved up. This includes rent, utilities, food, transportation, and a little extra for unforeseen costs that are bound to arise in a city as dynamic as NYC. 

Considering the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment can vary depending on the borough, having a safety net of $10,000 to $15,000 is a good target. This financial cushion will not only cover your moving expenses but also give you peace of mind as you settle into your new life in the Big Apple.

How to Reduce Moving Costs

While we’ll share tons of money-saving moving tips next, let’s talk quickly about how to reduce moving costs. Regardless of how much money you save, lowering your expenses will help, too. Here’s how to do it: 

  • Declutter Before Moving: Sell or donate items you no longer need to reduce the load.
  • Book Movers Early: Secure early-bird rates and avoid last-minute higher prices.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Shop around and compare prices from different moving companies.
  • Choose a Less Busy Time: Weekdays or mid-month are the best times to move because rates are typically lower.
  • Pack Yourself: Save on packing services by doing it yourself; just be sure to start early.
  • Use Free Packing Materials: Collect boxes from local stores or use household items for packing.
  • Disconnect Utilities in Time: Avoid paying extra by ensuring utilities are disconnected before you leave.
  • Tax Deductions: If moving for work, check if your moving expenses are tax-deductible.
  • Understand Your Contract: Avoid unexpected fees by knowing what’s included in your moving package.

How to Save Money to Move

Once you take steps toward reducing your moving costs, it’s time to focus on money-saving efforts. Here are the best tips for how to save money for a move. 

1. Pay Off Your Debt

It’s true that not everyone can avoid debt altogether, especially when transitioning to a new job or routine and needing some financial cushioning. Still, keeping your debt low is key. It stops you from overspending and saves you a fortune in credit card interest. Remember, it’s a trap to buy pricey things just for the look of it when you really can’t afford them. Instead, owning who you are and living within your means before you relocate is essential when learning how to save money to move.

2. Create a Moving Fund Jar

Piggy Bank for Saving Money

Moving is a part of life, especially when you’re young and finding your footing. With changing jobs and sometimes unpredictable income, saving up might seem tough. But don’t let that stop you. A simple jar for collecting spare change can become your mini treasure chest. You’d be surprised how quickly those coins can add up! 

Starting this savings jar not only gets you ready for your move but also kicks off a great habit of putting aside a little bit whenever you can. It’s empowering to see your funds grow from just spare change, and who knows? That jar could be the start of a fund for something big down the line.

3. Spend Wisely and Enjoy More

When it comes to how to save money during a move, think twice before snagging that dreamy but pricey Manhattan apartment if it’s going to stretch your budget too thin. Living in New York City is about more than just your address. It’s about tasting all the delicious foods, exploring vibrant neighborhoods, and soaking in the city’s unique experiences. 

Why not consider the amazing areas in Brooklyn and Queens? These neighborhoods are just a quick 10-minute subway ride from Manhattan and offer unique vibes and cultural gems you won’t always find in the heart of the city. By choosing a more affordable home base, you’ll be free to enjoy what makes NYC special without breaking the bank.

4. Get Rid of Excess Belongings

De-clutter by selling extra stuff Downsizing before moving is a great way to save money and minimize stress. Decluttering your belongings will declutter your mind. By selling your belongings on Craigslist or eBay, you’ll get a little excess cash for the cash jar. Also, moving costs will be lower with fewer items to move. It really is a no-brainer when it comes to how to save money for a move.

5. Look for Yard Sales

Yard sales are an awesome resource for sourcing apartment needs on a budget. End tables, couches, kitchenware, and unique decor are only some of the things you can find at a yard sale. Take your time when furnishing your apartment so that you have the opportunity to decorate creatively.

6. Stock Up on Frozen Foods

Setting up your kitchen in a new apartment can be a hassle, leading many to drop big bucks on takeout during their first few weeks. Imagine all the New York City adventures you could have with that cash instead! A smart workaround? Load up on frozen meals. Tossing a frozen pizza into the oven saves you heaps over delivery. This simple switch not only keeps more money in your pocket but also gets you settled into your new place faster.

7. Use Public Transport

New York City is one of the best places in the world to live without a car. Public transportation is vast, robust, and very economical. Don’t waste hundreds of dollars every month to pay for and insure a car that you won’t be using most of the time. Give the car-free lifestyle a try.

8. Cut the Cable Cord

Lean on your WiFi for entertainment. Platforms like Netflix and Hulu offer endless streaming options. And if you’re missing those cable channels, no worries! Services like Sling TV use your WiFi to bring you all your favorites. This will save you money and give you the freedom to choose what you watch when you want. Say goodbye to scrolling through hundreds of channels and hello to tailor-made TV enjoyment.

9. Host a Housewarming Party

Hosting a housewarming party is an excellent way to celebrate moving into your new home, filling it with laughter, good wishes, and, often, thoughtful gifts from friends and family eager to help you settle in. This saves you from spending money on them later. At the very least, you’ll end the night with an increased supply of food and drinks for your new spot.

10. Hire Metropolis Moving

Thinking of enlisting friends or family for your move? In a bustling city like New York, where every move counts, professional movers are not just a luxury — they’re a necessity. Don’t complicate your friendships or risk breaking your valuable belongings just to avoid hiring movers. We have gained a reputation for being New York’s most friendly, professional, and courteous moving company. Our moving packages are affordable, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about on your move-in day. Request a quote today, and you’ll understand why hiring us for your New York City move is the best decision for you and your belongings.

map of New York City