These unexpected expenses can emerge at any time and for any reason. Don’t leave yourself strapped for cash right as you’re settling into a new place. Knowing these expenses, and knowing how to handle them if they arise, can contribute noticeably towards making the moving process as hassle–free as possible.
1. Expenses associated with mailing
When you relocate, you should redirect the mail you receive to your new home address. People seldom remember to inform their mail’s senders of their relocation, which means that mail is continually sent to their old home address. Rectifying this omission can be expensive, especially if you still pay bills by mail. Avoid this expenditure by changing your billing address, and by notifying everyone who needs or wants to know a few weeks in advance of your relocation date. You can change your mailing address with the USPS here.
2. Insurance expenses
If you have a homeowner insurance policy for your house, the coverage is only applicable to your old home. Before you relocate, you will need to inform your insurance policy provider of your new address, so that your insurance policy can be transferred to it. You may, however, have to pay a fee for amending your policy. Amending your policy at the last minute may cost even more, so give your insurance company plenty of heads up so that they don’t charge you extra.
3. Replacing the old
Some things in your home will be left behind, as moving furniture on the brink of being replaced isn’t a wise decision. Save a little extra money so that when you show up to the new place, you can furnish and decorate it as you envision. You’ll also want a few extra dollars for miscellaneous essentials for your new apartment.
4. Storage facilities
Storage facilities are very useful for relocating within the city, especially when you’re downsizing or combining two households into one. It is best that you make use of storage facilities that will cater to your need for a storage space either on a short-term or a long-term basis. Luckily, there are plenty of excellent storage facilities in all five boroughs of New York.
5. Miscellaneous costs
There is a misconception that errands such as signing up for a new gym, enrolling in a new school or college, updating your driver’s license and registering your motor vehicle are easily completed after moving into the new home. The reality is that running these errands can be stressful, tedious, and costly. Be sure you register your vehicle and update your driver’s license right away. Also, most gyms give you a day or two for free as a trial. Take advantage of that and try a few gyms and fitness studio’s out before you lock yourself into a contract. Otherwise, it could be costly.
6. Moving Services
Many people don’t anticipate the necessity for professional movers. Especially if you’ve got a small amount of belongings, you might assume you and your friends can execute the entire relocation. Save yourself the trouble and reduce your stress while moving by hiring professional, reliable movers. We have become known as reputable, friendly moving professionals who make the moving process simple and straightforward. Request a quote today, and be sure to check out our blog for more tips on moving and living in New York City.