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NYC Life Hacks

10 Tips for Decluttering Your Belongings

Decluttering your belongings may sound like a daunting task, but it’s one that can increase your sense of inner peace and well-being. Simplify and declutter your space with these tips.


  • Start with the smallest projects first. This way, you can check off accomplishments and tasks more rapidly and get momentum to keep organizing.
  • Break your space down into smaller sections. Try to set a goal for every day or week and focus on just that, so that you’re not overwhelmed.
  • Once you clear a space, don’t add any more clutter to that area. Be vigilant for clutter.


  • Determine which items need to stay and which need to go. If the items have value, consider selling them if it’s worth the time. Otherwise try to donate your items.
  • Go through your clothes and consider which items are your staples and which you can let go of. How much drawer and closet space is occupied by clothing we don’t even wear?
  • If you haven’t used something in over 10 months, consider if it’s something you really need to keep.
  • Put all your important papers in one area. Scan them all and consider getting a file bin or cabinet. This will open up tons of table space in all rooms of your home.
  • Do you have drawers of old useless cords? Salvage what’s still useful to you, and toss or sell the rest!
  • Dust? Ditch it. It’s not serving you a purpose anymore.
  • Are you unsure of whether or not you should keep a certain item? Put it in a designated area, and if you don’t use it for 30 days, strongly consider getting rid of it.

Why You Should Declutter

You might be asking why you should declutter, especially in these times where our homes have become our offices and gyms for the foreseeable future. Here are some benefits:

  • Your apartment will be easier to clean and sanitize, making your living space safer and more resistant to COVID-19.
  • The less clutter you have in your home, the clearer your mind will be. You’ll be more clear headed and less stressed out.
  • You will feel like you’re accomplishing something major every time you get rid of a trash bag full of unwanted belongings.
  • Room for activities! Whether it’s karate in the garage or cooking lessons in the kitchen, you’ll be glad you have more space to pursue your interests.
  • You will be more organized, and more likely to find important papers or items.

Lastly, the less you own, the more mobile you can be. It will cost less to move and travel. Curious to see how much you can save on a move? Get a quote today on the cost of moving your decluttered belongings to see how much you’ll save.

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